Dumpster divers series (New Harmony Clay Project 2024)
Found object series 1 (2023-2024)
I noticed a running theme through the furniture on the curb, the “too-orange” faux pine
wood furniture. These pieces of craft reductive furniture were over manufactured from the late
90s and far too late into the 2000s. The collecting and storing of this furniture (while having no
place to put it) inspired decisions on how to present the work. Through arranging these discarded
domestic objects with my ceramics, I am prompted with various questions: What is
directing trends? Why are values leaning away from valuable objects? What is the allure of fast
furniture culture? What is the current state of consumer consciousness? And what does storage
charge objects with?
Arranging Discard (2023)
Prowler by Fleetwood (2024)
Receipt Book II (2024)